I am doing a "Stump the CFChump" series. I recently passed the ColdFusion 9 exam and this is material I learned while studying. I have several CodeSchool gift cards to giveaway so comments who answer correctly I'll email you the discount code. "Stump the Chumps" is from the "Car Talk" so I am spinning that title for ColdFusion. These are questions that stumped me when studying.
- Please try to not google or run the code before answering.
- This is for fun so don't be afraid to guess.
- I ran out of code school gift cards.
Stump the CFChump 2b
Stump the CFChump 3
What variable would you use to show the cumulative time required to process the query below?
<cfquery name="GetParks" datasource="cfdocexamples" result="GetResults"> SELECT PARKNAME, REGION, STATE FROM Parks ORDER BY ParkName, State </cfquery>
A. GetParks.ExecutionTime
B. GetParks.ProcessTime
C. GetResults.ExecutionTime
D. GetResults.ProcessTime