Recent Posts by Mike Henke

awesome java training deal – hit me up

I am pretty excited to announce an exclusive deal for an online Java training class at the end of April. It is for experienced coders wanting to learn Java. Shoot me an email henke dot mike at gmail dot com if are interested and I can give you more details. I have been wanting to…
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ColdFusion and Heroku – Railo screencast

Here is a short screencast showing how to deploy Railo on Heroku. This screencast assumes you have done Steps 1 - 3. Step 1: Sign up Step 2: Install the Heroku Toolbelt Step 3: Login Step 4: Deploy an application [embed][/embed] Resources ColdFusion on Heroku slide deck Railo Heroku heroku-railo4 Professional Heroku Programming
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ColdFusion and Heroku – OpenBD screencast

Here is a short screencast showing how to deploy OpenBD on Heroku. This screencast assumes you have done Steps 1 - 3. Step 1: Sign up Step 2: Install the Heroku Toolbelt Step 3: Login Step 4: Deploy an application [embed][/embed] Resources ColdFusion on Heroku slide deck OpenBD Heroku Heroku buildpack: Open Bluedragon
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Stump the CFChump – 4

I am doing a "Stump the CFChump" series. I recently passed the ColdFusion 9 exam and this is material I learned while studying. I have several CodeSchool gift cards to giveaway so comments who answer correctly I'll email you the discount code. "Stump the Chumps" is from the "Car Talk" so I am spinning that…
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